Tuesday, May 7, 2013


There are times when I really like my yard and this is why

The weather this year is so different than what we had at this time last year. Here it is one week into May and the temperatures have been like summer and the shrubs and plants in my garden and yard are a lovely sight. Greenery and blossoms everywhere and I have the allergies to prove it.

It looks like the strawberries are starting to get flowers too. This is only one of the raised garden beds where they are planted.
I bought myself a little green house a few months ago so I could get an early start on my garden and with the weather we’ve been having it seems like it isn’t that necessary but the seedlings that I’ve started will survive if the temperatures do drop. Am I the only one that has that kind of luck? I debate about whether or not to do something and when I finally make the decision to do it whatever it is it hardly seems worth the effort.

These buds will probably be open and in full bloom tomorrow. They are some of my favorites.  The color is soft and the blossoms have a lovely shape.

There is still a lot of work to be done to get to the point where I can sit back and enjoy but sometimes the work is the best part. Maybe not so much the physical work but the planning part and the shopping part. Don't you just love shopping for plants and shrubs and new cushions for the patio furniture? I know I do.

On one of the blog sites I visit a dear friend named Mona has posted photos of her fairy garden and after seeing it I've been wanting to plant one too. That's the planning part that I was talking about that is so much fun.  

Like I said, the weather is beautiful and I’m heading outside to enjoy it.
Have a great day and as always, thanks for stopping by.