Monday, April 18, 2011

The answers to all you questions about EGG-POSTERS

The triditional Easter egg hunt has just become more difficult. Instead of the children hunting for bright or pastel colored eggs that look so much like small spring flowers tucked here and there they are now faced with finding eggs that have been disguised to look like other things. Is that a little bunny or is it an egg-poster? What about that baby duckling over there? Is that really a kitten or is it an egg-poster? Egg-posters can be disguised as anything.

I spend most of my time making figures to be used to decorate for Christmas as it is my favorite holiday to decorate for. I decorate every room of my home for this holiday and leave the decorations up for at least a month. I've never given the other holidays as much attention when it came to decorating . I love the colors of Christmas. I love the smells and the baking and shopping and the gift wrapping and the dinner and the visiting with family and friends. There's so much to love about this holiday. However it doesn't mean I don't do anything for the other holidays. I just don't go as gaga over them.

Next Sunday will be Easter. There was a time when I would decorate the house and make baskets for the kids and grands. I loved the shopping for or making special little treats to put in their baskets. I loved looking for the perfect clothes to wear for Easter church services, whether it be that special pattern and fabric or a store bought outfit. I loved the Easter egg hunts in the back yard where the kids and their friends would look for the eggs I'd hidden. I loved watching them search through their baskets looking for just the right peice of candy or watch them select an eggs I'd dyed. I loved the special dinner with the baked ham and all the trimmings and the fancy rolls and desserts. I loved it all. Now that they have grown past that stage of life, it's become a holiday that is only a special Sunday dinner.

I've decided that I should pull myself away from the Santa business to make something Easter related, but what should I make? One thought was to make paper mache egg shapes and then apply colored paper with mod podge, but since I've never been good with that sort of thing I didn't think about it for long.

Another thought was painting the egg shapes in pretty patterns, but quite truthfully, that didn't get me excited either. I needed to come up with an idea that was a bit strange and out of the ordinary and that's when my weird little mind came up with the Egg-posters. In case you haven't quite figured it out, they're eggs that are imposters. Get it?

There can be an endless list of possible egg-posters. I chose four to make. I started with the bunny as rabbits for some reason I'm not quite sure of are always present in one form or another at Easter. My favorite form is chocolate rabbits. I completed the bunny on the same day as two other projects I'd been working on but decided to get a few friends for him completed before blogging about him. I've been getting a bit of flack from number one son for waiting but what the heck, this is my blog, right?

Now something very strange has happened. Once again I've completed three pieces on the same day. This has happened two times in one week. I couldn't believe it when it happened the first time a few days ago, and I really can't believe I managed to do it again so soon. I guess this is bound to happen when you work on so many projects at the same time.

So, without further ado, here are the Egg-posters.

From left to right we have Bunny, Ducky, Chicky and Miss Kitty.

The duckling and chick are the shortest at 3" tall. As you can see, Ducky is sporting a 'duck tail'.

The bunny because of his ears is a w-hopping 4 1/4" tall. Note the cotton tail.

Miss kitty is not quite as tall measuring only 3 1/4" at the tip of her ears. She's well aware her ears don't match her body colors but they only come in black.

Wouldn't it be a hoot if these guys catch on? Can you see it? Me the inventor of a new Easter egg decorating technique? Sure, Egg-posters may not be as popular or as tasty as Peeps, but who knows what the future holds. They will never be as tasty as Peeps, but maybe they will be as popular.

Thanks for taking the time to visit. Have a great day.


Crystal said...

These are just too cute! What delightful memories. And these egg posters are so creative and adorable. :-)

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Thanks for sharing great memories of you family and Easter. Very much like my own.
These egg posters are adorable. Congratulations....great job.
Boy are you hard at it or on my dear. The Olde Bagg,Linda

vert word shhili. Since I'm from New Mexico, some of the my people call the hot green stuff grown here shhili.

Heather said...

Oh these are so cute...yes, the creator of egg posters! I love it!

I need to get decorating, too! enjoy your day!

PS - thanks for becoming my 180th follower! yay, you made my day! xo

EEGT said...

Such a great idea! Super cute!

Lee Pierce said...

Cute and clever - wonderful memories! Now that the kids are older it's a hit and run holiday :(

Marlene said...

These are absolutely adorable. There should be eggs for every holiday. Great work sis.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful memories you have shared and your egg posters are adorable!