Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fern Gully

Hi Everyone. It’s me, Bellamine and I have some photos of camp I would like to share with you.
One of the things we all liked to do at camp was go hiking. There are several really great trails where we could choose to hike. One of Bitsy and my favorite trails was the one that went into Fern Gully.  Fern Gully is a bee-u-tee-full area where really big ferns grow everywhere.  Mom would have loved it. We climbed up on some of the really big ones and scooted under one and hid from Wendy and Clarissa for a while but when they didn’t even look for us we decided it was kind of creepy under there and Bitsy is really scared of bugs. I’m only a little bit scared of bugs but then I got to thinking that snakes might like hiding under those big ferns so we didn’t hide under them anymore.
Here’s Bitsy sitting on one of the ferns.

Here I am standing on a really big fern. Ferns are easy to climb up on when you're a great climber like me.

Bitsy decided to join me up here on this really big fern. She's a good climber too.

There are trees everywhere at camp because Camp Good Bear has forests and woods all around it. I know that bears are natural tree climbers but we don’t have a lot of trees at the North Pole and the ones we do have are all Christmas trees and we're not supposed to climb those so it was a new experience for my sisters and me.
Here I am starting my first climb. It's hard to climb this kind of tree because there isn't anything to get ahold of.  Some of the other bears climb the trees that have bark but I was afraid I'd tear my romper and my mom would have been really upset.
I'll tell you a secret if you promise not to tell my mom. Most of the time at camp we ran around  B-A-R-E. We were bare bears.  Yep, just wore our bear skins.  Hehehehe!!! It's the best way to go swimming in the lake and we went swimming every day because it was so warm and the lake was so cool.

Here I am again half way up. I had to keep my eyes closed because I’m afraid of heights.

Here I am as far up as I dared to go. It was really high up and when I opened my eyes to see how high up I was I got scared and couldn’t climb back down for a while until I got my nerve up and then I came down really fast. It’s a good thing there was a big ol' fern at the bottom because it softened my landing.

Since we got home we’ve been telling the other bears about all of the things we did at camp and now most of them want to go next year. The boys want to learn to fish and they want to learn how to paddle a canoe and they want to go to Fern Gully and climb trees. They want to sit around the camp fire and listen to scary ghost stories and have s'mores. Who wouldn't want to do all of those things? I know I want to go again next year.
Clarissa, Wendy and I have enough stories to last for weeks so we’ll be taking turns telling you about our adventures and showing you some of the photos we took.  Although I miss being at camp and being with all of my friends I'm kind of happy to be home too. I missed my family and my friends who live here. I've already made plans to spend the night at Dory's house on Friday. I hope all of you have been having a nice summer because it's almost over and school will be starting back up next week.


The Bear's Blog said...

Hi Gang,

Boy, just looking at these pictures makes me want to go back to camp. I can't wait till next summer. Fern Gully was "bee-u-tee-ful" and it was so nice and shaded and always cool with all those huge ferns.

I miss you, when you see Bitsy give her a hug and tell her it's from me.

Heaps of Hugs
Prudence ♥

Kays Kids said...

Hi Bellamine, your story made me laugh, because I remembered the time you fell down the tree and we all caught you. Can you remember that.
Little Bitsy tried very hard to climb and did a good job.
Hugs Wilbur.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

What a lovely story about climbing ferns and trees and running around bare. I am so glad to read that you had a grand adventure at camp. Oma used to go to camp with 400 teenagers three times a year in the long, long ago. I was always having to rescue some of them from the woods at night.
I look forward to more tales from camp. Give the other bearlings a hug from Oma. Smooches and Squoozes little one. Oma Linda

IrelandBrady said...

Bellamine, what a wonderful time you, Clarissa and Wendy had at camp! My goodness, you sure climbed high! My favorite to climb are the ferns ... its like they are special fairy ladders created just for us!

Did you find any berry bushes? I am just crazy for some fresh off the bush berries! They are even better than lollipops (my ol' time fav)!

I'm so happy you shared your adventures, I almost felt like I was there along with you all.

Big bear hugs,
Dilly Boy aka Dillywink

Katy Cameron said...

Oh my, your mum will have to start saving now to be able to send the whole hug to camp next year!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Oh dear, looking at the pictures are making my three little bears want to climb a tree. They all had such funat camp and are so anxious to go back next Summer.

Sweet Pea wanted me to say hi to Clarissa. It's funny to see his white furry little cheeks turn pink every time he or Blossom or Siss say her name. I think it's puppy or should I say little bear's love. :o)

Thank you for asking about Pearlene. She is doing okay but has to have more blood work done because they discovered her white count is low. Her dental work has healed nicely.


Kayzy said...

Hi Bellamine,
We think you should visit us in Australia and come with us to climb our gum trees - maybe as a training exercise for next year's camp. See what your Mum says.
Hugs from Kayzy's Critters

Magic Love Crow said...

Hi Bellamine ;o) You had a great time at camp! You climbed high in that tree! You should be very proud of yourself! You ran around bare at the camp! I bet that was fun! LOL! I won't tell mom ;o)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I know you had a lot of fun! Prudence wrote me...I still don't understand why dollies can't go to beary camp! teehee! Dollie hugs, Wendy

Crystal said...

Aw such a cute story. It brings back memories of my daughter when she was little she loved a movie called "Ferngully." Have a great weekend my friend. :-)

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Maddy,
OMG!!! So sorry for my belated comment, my dear bs!!!
Today let me directly comment on you. They seemed to have had fun camping♬♬♬
They really look lovely surrounded with green and climbing. Looking forwrd to the next saga!
Still feels like mid-summer here(^^;)
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan your bs, xoxo Miyako*

Anonymous said...

Oh Bellamine, Fern Gully is so beautiful and lush. I love all of these pictures you shared along with your adventures. You be careful climbing things when you are afraid of heights. I wouldn't want you to get dizzy and fall. Sitting round the campfire with s'mores and ghost stories sounds so fun! Give Dory a huge hug for me and all my love to your beautiful momma.

Christel said...

Dear Maddy, I can't say I have ever been to camp..not as a kid, nor as an adult..I guess the closest thing to camping would be trips to the lake for the entire day..but we slept at home. The story is wonderful! You have such a great imagination! Are you busy beginning to work on Christmas things yet? I have actually been mulling it around in my head, and I think I will only do two or three "Christmas" themed dolls this year..unless something drastic changes! I have SO many ideas for other dolls I want to try and do, and most days life gets in the way, you know? Hope you're having a great night, thanks so much for coming to see Alice! xoxo Christel

Christel said...

Dear Maddy, I can't say I have ever been to camp..not as a kid, nor as an adult..I guess the closest thing to camping would be trips to the lake for the entire day..but we slept at home. The story is wonderful! You have such a great imagination! Are you busy beginning to work on Christmas things yet? I have actually been mulling it around in my head, and I think I will only do two or three "Christmas" themed dolls this year..unless something drastic changes! I have SO many ideas for other dolls I want to try and do, and most days life gets in the way, you know? Hope you're having a great night, thanks so much for coming to see Alice! xoxo Christel

Leny said...

A lot of fun in the camp!!!Looks great!!

Happy Friday!!!