Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I've already found a use for some of the fabric that Katy so kindly sent my way. Yesterday I visited My Patchwork Life blog spot where Erin is asking for help making blocks to be donated to what she is calling "Hurricane Sandy Relief Quilts". You can visit her site and get instructions for making this block. It's called a Disappearing 4 patch.

The one above is made of scrap book paper that I made as a guide. I had to be sure I could actually figure it out before I cut into fabric. I shouldn't have worried about  following the instructions Erin gave since she was very precise and the block is easy peasy.

Here are some that I made this morning. Now all I have to do is get them to the post office so they get to Erin. She and some of her friends are taking it from there.

So, if you want to help in the making of "Hurrican Sandy Relief Quilts" please visit My Patchwork Life and sign up to make a few blocks or send a Paypal donation for buying quilt batting. Your help can really make a different to someone who could use a little help right now.

Remember what day it is today and whatever you do don't forget to get out there and vote. I want to wish you a wonderful day and as always, thanks for stopping by. 


OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

What a fabulous way to pitch in and help. You are such a goodie. Quilt on my dear. Oma Linda

IrelandBrady said...

What a WONDERFUL and loving project! Your "Disappearing 4 Patch" quilt squares are beautiful and I am sure they will be very appreciated and loved.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a wonderful project for a good cause! I love the beautiful colors of the fabric. One of these days I would like to learn to quilt!

Hill Top Post said...

What a wonderful way, helping those in need, to use up some of your new fabrics. You have done a beautiful job with the Disappearing 4 Patch blocks.

Kays Kids said...

I love that disapearing 4 patch. Looks so good. Well done

Cobblestone Creations said...

What a great idea. There is so much kindness in this world!!

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

How wonderful to give quilts to those in need. They'll cherish them, I'm sure. We voted!

Katy Cameron said...

Perfect way to pay it forward :o)

Ascension said...

Eres una gran persona y estas haciendo un maravillosos trabajo, enhorabuena!!
besitos ascension

Magic Love Crow said...

What a beautiful idea to help out for the people affected in Hurricane Sandy!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Maddy,
Oh, how sweet of you to do something you can do for the people who were affected. I remember I did a little when tsunami hit in Tiohoku area in Japan.

I did follow about this important news, my friend. I admire the system in your country that you can vote directly for your president, which we cannot.

So sorry my belated commet, I am doig fine and catching up my friends' posts really hard p;)

Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan to my dear s in America, xoxo Miyako*

Crystal said...

Wonderful! You know I used to quilt all the time when I was younger, but my sewing machine is not exactly up to par at the moment. Wonderful way to help out those who were affected by the hurricane. :-)