Thursday, August 18, 2011


I hadn't done anything you could call artistic in a very long time. I crocheted a throw for my daughter for her birthday but nothing else. I just hadn't felt inspired for a long time to do anything artistic. Then something marvelous happened.

My sister discovered a site where there was a recipe for paper mache clay and began to sculpt with it. She sent me an e-mail towards the end of December last year and I was so impressed with the two Santa figures she had sculpted that I had to take the trip down to see them in person. The rest is history. I caught the PMC fever and proceeded to sculpt over 40 figures of which 32 are Santa or other Christmas figures.

I was having a great time of it at first but a couple of months ago I started having problems with my right hand. Being right handed it wasn't a welcome condition and made it hard to sculpt. I kept trying to sculpt anyway but the hand just got worse. I decided to give it a rest to see if it would get better but that didn't do any good. So being me I became depressed.

Now you'd think that since I hadn't done anything artistic in so many years I shouldn't be getting depressed because I couldn't sculpt now. The best I can explain it is I have a tendency to obsess and I become compelled to do things or I'm totally uncomfortable and feel anxious and loose my sense of well being.  I had to find something to distract me, sure there are other things I can do that are just as rewarding, right?

I began trying to find other mediums to work with hoping to find something that is kinder to the hands giving them a change of pace so they might heal. I decided to do something soft so I designed and made and dressed two little teddy bears and although they were somewhat easier on the hands it still wasn't easy.  Then I decided to try painting again. Sure I've painted the PMC figures but that's a lot different than painting on canvas.

So far I have completed three pieces. I showed the silly little haunted house painting with the Jack-o-lantern moon my last post and now I'm going to show you the one I did today of my grandson AJ when he was little. He's 21 now so this was awhile ago.

The picture I painted this from says to gramma Maddy on the back in AJ's handwriting. It was a school photo. He's wearing a tie dyed shirt so I decided to give the background a mottled appearance instead of a solid one like in the school photo. I put a lot of yellow in it because to me yellow is a happy color and the photo always makes me smile. If you think I exaggerated the eyes, think again. That little kid had the biggest bluest eyes I've ever seen. 

I used oils for all the portraits I painted in my early years but now I'm going to see how I do with acrylics since I have so many of them. It's a whole different process and I've found it's harder to blend and shade and the paint sets too quickly for my tastes but I'm going to keep at it until I feel like I've mastered it.

Hope you're having a great week and as always, thanks for stopping by.


lisa stubbs said...

beautiful! those eyes are lovely and blue!x

orchid0324 said...

What a LOVELY painting♡♡♡
Yes, yellow added the brightness in his pretty face. He must be a handsome young man now☆☆☆
I can feel the little stress of yours in your situation, but I thank you showing us your another talent. Good Luck!!!
And Take Care of your hand,
Lots of love and Hugs xoxo, Orchid.

Heather said...

Maddy - this is very well done! You are so clever and talented!!! Yay, I can't wait to see more paintings from you!
xo - happy friday - btw - you should enter this in Paint Party Friday....

yoborobo said...

What a cutie - a lovely painting. I hope your hand heals up. I had my first run-in with carpal tunnel this year, and it HURT. But I wore the brace and took it easy (less hand-sewing) and it got better (fingers crossed!). I'm with you on creating to beat back depression. I am a project person. ;)) Love seeing your new work! xo Pam

Crystal Cook said...

Maddy I think this is just wonderful! What a happy expression you've captured on his sweet face. :)) I'm sorry about your hands bothering you, I often wonder if something were to happen to my hands what I would do if I couldn't paint. Go crazy probably. ;) Seriously though I think this is so great and I hope you do more. And have you heard of a medium to use with acrylics called a retardant? It slows down the drying time so you have a longer chance to blend. I couldn't paint with acrylics without it.

Crystal said...

You are good at everything...sculpture, needle arts and now even Portraiture!!! This is just wonderful! :-)

Papillon Bleu said...

I wish I could paint.
I like the Jack O'Lantern Moon you've painted.

Have you tried watercolours? It is nice to combine with collage also.
Something creative that wouldn't be too hard for your magical hands!

(thanks for your visits by the way, it is always nice to hear from you)

romance-of-roses said...

This painting of your grandson is lovely, you are very talented. Have a friend who also sculpts and her hand also bothers her. She wraps it at night and rubs it with an ointment. She feels much better in the morning. All your work is beautiful. I will be following you. Hugs...Lu

Hill Top Post said...

Maddy, your talent for painting is evident in all of your creations, so I am not surprised to see the wonderful portrait of your grandson. I have also had problems with my hands, but, with time and lots of ibuprofin, they are much better now. My right hand was first, then my left. I told my hubby it was like a virus that the one hand gave to the other. Now, that they are better, I hope they are immune to the virus!! Hope you enjoy your "rest" while you are will be back to your creations soon. Mary

(And, thanks for the encouragement you have given me!)

Ascension said...

Eres una gran artista, es una fantastico trabajo.
besitos ascension

Ann said...

a lovely painting!!!
i so can not draw or paint..and am a bit envious of those who can!!
thanks for sharing this beautiful painting!!

Kays Kids said...

What a beautiful boy. Those eyes are amazing.

Christel said...

ok first of all, for you to say you have not done anything artistic in a long time..I say ppfffttt You are SO creative, everything you show us is filled with artistic ability, and wonderful creativity. I love the painting of your grandson..wish I could paint like this! I did also see the painting of the haunted house, and thought it was so sweet, and magical! xoxo Christel

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed with your many artistic mediums. It is very difficult to do portraits of people and you have done a beautiful job on this. I hope you know how much beauty and happiness you bring to the world with your gifts. Truly amazing, Miss Maddyrose. It is always such a joy to visit.

Katy Cameron said...

That turned out great.

I'm not fond of acrylics for painting pictures I have to admit, although I do use them for other things, as I find them very flat and difficult to conjour any kind of 3D feeling. I still haven't forgiven my A-Level art teachers for insisting that my final exam piece was acrylic rather than watercolour, as watercolour would have been much better for the piece (But hey, what's 14 years to hold a grudge ;o) )

Unknown said...

Oh I feel for you...carpel tunnel has kept me from doing many things I love to do. I would love to root a head of Reborn hair, but I have come to the realization that there are just some things that wont get done and I move on to something else.
You are so talented..the paintings are wonderful. Have you thought about ACEO's they are really hot right now on eBay.
Looking forward to more paintings!!
Dessa Rae