Tuesday, October 25, 2011


When I first started sculpting with paper mache clay I made snowmen or more precisely snow people. My first piece was a little girl I named Crystal followed shortly by her siblings Little Flake, Crispin and Little Sleet. I also gave them parents. After creating the snow family I turned to sculpting Santa figures and never made another snowman. It was Santa all the way until I switched to my witches etc.

Here is a photo of the snow children.

From left to right is Crispin, Little Sleet, Crystal and Little Flake. The reason I'm even showing you my little snow people now is I've come full circle and am again making snowmen. I'm working on a new style and have completed the first of however many.

I've given the snowmen a different shape and have painted this one quite differently than I did my earlier ones. This new one is 8 1/4" tall and 3" wide which makes him fairly small. I didn't use a stain to age the earlier ones like I did this fellow and this newest snowman's clothing has a metallic sheen.

I know the colors I used on this little snowman aren't typical for snowmen. The colors are usually cool and often lighter. I used avocado, terra cotta and russet with other green and red under coats. After sealing and staining the piece I dry brushed spun gold over the clothing and brushed white pearl over the snowman. His eyes are small black beads.  

I'm hoping to get a few more of these snowmen completed so they're ready for the online craft show. Let me know what you think of this new style. It's always difficult for me to be impartial as I seem to form attachments to my little people while I'm working on them.

I hope you enjoyed seeing what I've been up to. I've got 4 more that are nearly ready to paint and will show them to you when they're done.

As always, thanks for stopping by.


♥●• İzdihër •●♥ said...

Crispin, Little Sleet, Crystal and Little Flake are cute.New one are also awesome .Best of luck for others.Adore your work.

The Bear's Blog said...

There's no people like snow people. (o: (Name that tune)Giggle.

I like the old but really like the new ones with the added dry brushing.


Katy Cameron said...

Aww, your originals are cute, but love the sparkly shiny new 'classic' coloured snowman :o)

yoborobo said...

I love the new guy! Is he sparkly from glitter, too? He has a very sweet face. :)

Hill Top Post said...

Thumbs up, for sure! I like what you have done with your updated snowman...aging and colors are wonderful. I will be watching for more in this family.

Ascension said...

Esos muñecos de nieve ademas de muy originales, son verdaderamente maravillosos...me encantan!!!
besitos ascension

Pd. Mi preferido el del conejito jeje

Kays Kids said...

I just love little sleets face. He looks so cheeky. The new colours are lovely old worldy.

Lois--Huckleberry Lady said...

Cute!!! Cute!!! Cute!!!!!


Christel said...

love these little snowpersons! The names are darling too Maddy! These are cuter than anything I have seen in stores for outrageous prices!you go girl!

Ann said...

they are darling!!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest, Maddy.
So sorry for my belated comment.
Oh, snowpersons and they ahve names; how lovely they are♡♡♡
I always find sweetness and warmth in your creations.
Much Love, my friend, Orchid*

Anonymous said...

I love them all! The older version and the newer are such perfection. One is more folksy, one more modern but I could not choose a favorite style. Thank you for sharing your beauty and starting my day with a warm smile.