Monday, March 26, 2012


I hadn't planned on leaving the last post up for over a week but left unexpectedly last Monday so this post is a week late. I took a trip to visit my sisters. I hadn't planned on visiting them when I did or I would have been better prepared. I forgot my laptop and my camera which is a pity or I could have taken photos of the 6 to 8 inches of snow we got while I was there. The snow is lovely there because they are surrounded by pine trees. They live next door to each other on a Christmas tree farm and I can think of nothing lovelier than a pine tree covered in snow so hundreds of them covered in snow is really a sight.

Before I left I had completed two more bunnies and would like to introduce you to one of them, a little guy I named Herman Hare.

Herman is taking a carrot break and from the look on his face I'm thinking this is probably not the only carrot he's eaten. My son says Herman looks like he's ready for a nap.

The carrot is carved from wood and it is not the first one I carved for him. I ended up making three. No he didn't eat them, it seems that somehow I lost them. They're small and before being painted they didn't really show up very well when laid down or dropped on the floor. I actually lost the second one while I was holding it. Talk about butter fingers....
It has to be somewhere around my work area but I haven't found it yet and won't need it if it ever does show up.

I just had to show you his nub of a tail.

Yep, this fella needs a nap or maybe he's going to sneeze. I get that look when I'm on the verge of sneezing.

Saturday my sister and I went to the Pendleton outlet store and I bought some buttons. Then we went to Le Gudwil and I found a lovely tin to keep them in.

You see, I bought so many buttons they just won't fit in my button box. Here's what nearly two and a half pounds of buttons look like. Now imagine sorting them. Fun?? You betcha!!

I'm still working on the last bunny and will hopefully have him completed this week. I'm also experimenting with some paper mache eggs. It seems that although I could buy them ready made and eliminate a lot of the work I have to be obstinate and do it the hard way and make my own. What can I say? I'm stubborn.

I want to wish you a lovely day and as always, thanks for stopping by.



OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Hey Maddy:
First of all, you have answered a family question for me. I've been wondering where my brother in law has been. He is a long haul trucker and we haven't heard or seen him for months. I now know he must have been setting for his sculpture in the form of your new bunny.
Second, buttons???? Oh my heck, obsession number 1 at Casa de Cuckoo. My dad sold dry goods when I was a kid and had a sample book of buttons. I would sit for hours looking over the buttons and could hardly wait until they became discontinued because then I got them for my very, very own. I still have most of those buttons. When Shelley was little she also got a jar of buttons and covets them and now Ry and GK got bags of buttons in their stockings for Christmas and thought that SC had finally hit on the perfect stocking stuffer. So WOW, buttons.
Third, I sure am glad you're back. Missed ya sweetie.
Oma Linda

Hill Top Post said...

It seems you are showing off your talents with Herman! I love the little fellow...wonderful eyes! And, aren't sisters just the greatest...glad you had some fun times together!

Heather said...

what a sweet little character - love the droopy eyes!

The Bear's Blog said...

Oh no, Herman's carrots are missing?

Well, Miss Maddyrose, I would guess that Bellamine & Wendy took them.


Anonymous said...

Oh Maddy, I am so happy that you went and spent some time with your sisters. How utterly blessed you were to see the beautiful snowfall upon the pine trees. It must have felt like Christmas all over again (but without all the stress)

Herman is too adorable! I love the lazy expression and his sweet little nub. He looks like he is all worn out from hiding all those eggs around the world. I also love those sweet Irish lasses you made. They are just gorgeous and laughed out loud over the dark mole asses. I can never find that at the store either. ;-)

Sending you lots of hugs and warm thoughts, my lovely friend. Mina

Kays Kids said...

Hi Maddy,
I missed you and now I know you have been in the land of wonder and beauty at your sisters. I just picture in my mind how beautiful it would have been.
Herman looks as though he is about to get a cold and SNEEZE just like you said. May be he has hay-fever from all the spring flowers.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Maddy,
We all miss yu a lot, but for sure you must have had a lovely time three sisters all together♡♡♡
Herman is another cute creation of yours♪♪♪ Oh, maybe looks a bit ready for taking a nap would be true. However his lovely eyes are truly attractive to me and for my hubby also.
SO MANY buttons in the lovely box!!! It proves you have the creative mind, my friend.
Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

Astridbears said...

Hi Maddy,
your Herman Hare is adorable with the carrot!! I love him, he looks wonderful
have wonderful week with lot´s of sunshine

yoborobo said...

I think someone just asked Herman to explain the theory of relativity. That's how I look when I get a hard question! ;)) The visit sounds really lovely. Yesterday I was sewing on a cute little vintage pearl button and it disappeared into thin air. Not on the plushie. Not on the floor. I have no idea where it went. As for buttons, it is an obsession with me. I love them, and I always have. :) xox

yoborobo said...

I think someone just asked Herman to explain the theory of relativity. That's how I look when I get a hard question! ;)) The visit sounds really lovely. Yesterday I was sewing on a cute little vintage pearl button and it disappeared into thin air. Not on the plushie. Not on the floor. I have no idea where it went. As for buttons, it is an obsession with me. I love them, and I always have. :) xox

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

I love Herman, he has the most adorable face, so full of character. Amazing talent

Katy Cameron said...

Hee hee, we think Herman ate himself into oblivion with easter eggs, and he's just kidding on with the carrots to try and make himself look healthy...


The Clan and Jack

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

He looks like I feel! heehee! Just a little sweet and a little tired! Love your buttons, too...I can't ever find 2 that match for bunny eyes! lol ♥

Jan said...

Herman certainly does have an interesting expression. Nap time? Sneeze time? Toss the carrots time? we shall see. That's a lotsa buttons! Have fun with those.
Be sure to stop by the Fox on the Run blog soon as we will be having a giveaway, actually 5 of them. I will post it later today.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh how precious your little chubby bunny is and your found the perfect name for him. He looks like a Herman!!!

What a marvelous job ya do.

God bless ya and have the most amazin' day sweetie!!! :o)

Ascension said...

Hola Maddy
Mi ordenador ha estado roto unos dias y me he perdido algun trabajo tuyo.
Hoy me mirare lo trabajadora que has estado.
Me encanta esa cara que le has hecho al conejito, se ve adorable.
besitos ascension

Sharon M. said...

Oh, your bunnies are so cute. Love the big feet! I'm still chuckling.