Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bag of Dolls?

Recently I presented a Santa on my blog and called the post, Bag of Bears. I had a dear follower comment that although she liked the Santa with a bag full of bears since she was a doll maker she would have liked one with a bag of dolls even better.  That got me to thinking, and I thought she might have a point about the dolls not getting a fair shake when it comes to me filling Santa’s bag. I hadn’t realized the ratio of bears to dolls was getting out of balance until she brought it to my attention.
Just the thought of causing an imbalance caused me to do a careful search of all the Santa bags and check each Santa carefully to see what toys each was carrying just to see how bad the imbalance was. It was worse than I thought. How could I have let this happen?
I put five bears in just that one bag. I only have about that many dolls with all of the other Santa figures that include toys combined. To rectify the situation I’ve made a Santa with a bag of dolls. The dolls must be a bit larger than the bears and by showing more of each doll than I did with the bears I could only get three into the bag. I hope all of you doll fanciers find this to be fair. Since I like dolls as well as teddy bears and collect both it was purely by chance that I let the bear population outnumber the dolls that severely and I promise not to let it happen again. After doing a careful count, I find there are now 10 bears and 9 dolls in bags or tucked under and arm or sitting next to Santa. The next Santa will just have to have two dolls and one bear and then the balance will be restored.
Now I have to do something about the puppet population as there are only two of them. Then there’s the Jack-in-the-box situation. There’s only one if you don’t count the square…ish box like thing in the Santa in Green Cloak’s bag that could be nothing more than a box or a large block.  Then I’ll have to address the lion and the dragon populations and then solders and then………You get the idea.
So here we have the Santa with a bag of dolls.

I know you're thinking that he looks like the Bag of Bears Santa but if you see them together you can tell they're only related. Not even twins.

Looking at him from this angle shows you that stipes are much more slimming than checks.

So does this help balance the scale? The elves really did a great job on these little lasses.

Now that you see them side by side you can see they really don't look that much alike. Well, maybe the eyes and the white hair and beard.

This is pretty much how they're arranged on the shelf. If those guys aren't staring at those cookies then I need to get new glasses cause that's what it looks like to me.

This Santa and all of the other ones I’ve posted in my blog are available for sale on my Blog Shop page. The shop is the new stand alone page I've added to my blog.

Thank you for stopping by.


Heather said...

YAY! These are so cool...I like the dolls in Santas bag, too.
I am going to check out your shop, too!
I am putting together a proper post to thank you for the award!!
Thank you thank you thank you again!!!

Jan said...

The three little dolls look so happy to be included. Finally! Also, the Santa's look very hungry, I think the Mrs. had better have a contingent of elves to help guard the cookies, she can't be everywhere at once.

What a great idea to have a second page for your sales. Good luck!

The Bear's Blog said...

Lovely. The little dolls look adorable. Your work is amazing.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Kays Kids said...

Don't the Santa's and Mrs. Santa look great all together? I'm glad you have the balance right.

Katy Cameron said...

Lol, love that you felt the need to balance up. It's a bear next though, right? ;o)

Crystal said...

So cute!!! I love the dolls peeking out of Santa's bag. You amaze me with your creativity! :-)

Crystal Cook said...

Ok so I completely love this post! :) LOL! Your Santa's are just the most delightful thing I've come across today. Makes me wish it was December. :) And I really would like to see that dragon population as equal as the dolls and bears. ;)

Marlene said...

The Santa's are adorable. Love the pages they work. Gave Daisy a hug and a kiss for you. Having fun trying to catch up. Love you Sis.

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hey Maddy,
How wonderful to be inspired by another blogger.
Now being an artist maybe you could come up with an arty farty santa? lol
Have a wonderful, creative weekend,

Anonymous said...

Oh Miss Maddyrose, I am so glad this issue has been addressed for what is a world without balance? ;-)

I love the dolls, the bears, the jack in the box, etc, so they are all good to me no matter the combination or numbers. Your shop looks full of such beauty. I will have to save up for some new Christmas decor! Fabulous creations.

Daryle and Katie... kindred spirits said...

What a great post... to finally "settle" this centuries long dilemma! I just smiled and re-read it again! The Santa's are delightful! Daryle

Heather said...

Have a great memorial day, too! Yes, would love to see Santa and Mrs. Santa paper dolls!!! great idea! kids would love those - xo

Unknown said...

This may have opened up a bag of Next you may have to balance puppies and
Adorable post and blog!!
Thank you for having me on your blog list!!
Dessa Rae

ger chouinard said...

Maddy Rose - YOU, Netty and Gloria fixed me! Thank YOU, Thank YOU, Thank YOU! I can leave comments all the time again! Just had to unclick the 'keep me signed in box', just like you said! Thx so much! xoxo

Astridbears said...

fantastic!!!! Santa with the little dolls are adorable, you have done a great work!!
have a wonderful weekend